Well, Im not saying that all girls are mean. Just some of them. There are some girls who I've known have this fuckin attitude. Here's the story, one day susan (not her real name) and I went to the prefect room. We're not prefects so logically we're not supposed to enter that room. Susan was preparing herself for our principal's farewell ceremony. She'll be performing on that day. So, she need a place to rehearse. She had no where else to go except that prefect room. That's why we went there. She's been rehearsing so hard since that morning until noon, then she got tired. We took a break for a moment. Then suddenly from nowhere, Anne, Ili, Shana, Waynice and Alice rushed into the door. They saw Susan but didn't see me at all. I sat on a chair which infront of that fuckin door. How could they not see me? They are stupid blind I guess. They made a totally hidious face when they saw Susan (They hate her) then leave right away.
Practically there were 3 boys and 2 girls in that tiny room. When those girls 'saw' only Susan was in there, they started to talk bad about her which was really mean. They changed the actual story and made it more worse so that people will hate Susan and be on their side. When I said that Im with Susan on that room, they deny it harshly. They said that they are not blind and saw only Susan in there. Well fuck you, you are blind. You wear glasses! Stupid! =.=
So, the rumors that Susan was surrounded by boys is still flying somewhere. Hmm I hope Allah swt will show them some lesson or anything so that they could stop their sick attitude. BTW, this is not the first time they've done such things like this.