Monday, June 06, 2011

Harini cikgu bio macam Harammm

You were my conscience
So solid now you're like water
And we started drowning
Not like we'd sink any farther

But I let my heart go
It's somewhere down at the bottom
But I'll get a new one
And come back from the hope that you've stolen

Paramore-Monster #

Thank You Akak2 tumblr :">

I realized that I'm still in healing process. I thought I could get over it. Instead, it gets tougher from day to day. I really really really need to get out of town. I really wish I could. Somebody. Please. Help Me. My brain insisted me to do so. But my body's getting weaker. I can't sleep and eat properly. My body has been dominated by my anger.  Ya Allah, innalahu maa'na.